Long Hung Church in Quang Tri

long hung church in quang tri

If you have the opportunity to visit Quang Tri, once visit Long Hung Church to admire the ancient architecture and learn historical stories about this place. So do you know where Long Hung Quang Tri Church is located and what to discover? Please refer to the Hue to Hoi An by Jeeps’s article below. 

Long Hung Church Overview

Long Hung Church in Quang Tri is considered as evidence of great historical value about the counter-attack against the American puppet army to retake Quang Tri land. Also at this church, our army and people launched a series of large counterattacks and suffered a lot of pain. Those wars have brought great significance and contributed to the liberation of Quang Tri Citadel after 81 days and nights of fighting. 

Long Hung Church in Quang Tri
Long Hung Church in Quang Tri

Where is Long Hung Church?

Long Hung Church is located on National Highway 1A, near White Bridge, in Long Hung village, Hai Phu commune, Hai Lang district,Quang Tri province. This place was built to worship Christianity in Hung Long village, with a total area of ​​1220m2, including a bell tower in front, a cross mounted on top, and a large chapel and corridor. Since the fight to protect Quang Tri Citadel, the church has been destroyed by bombs and bullets. Long Hung Church in Quang Tri is a war relic marking the heroic battle of our army and people. 

long hung church in Quang Tri
The brief information of Long Hung Church, Quang Tri

Long Hung Church Map

How to go to Long Hung Church?

The church is located right on Highway 1A in Hai Lang district, so to get toLong Hung church you need to take a plane, train, or bus to get to Hai Lang district. Long Hung Church is about 10.4 km from the center of Hai Lang district, to reach this place you can easily go by motorbike in the direction of Thuong Xa village or Lien Xa or Le Duan village. 

Note that you should bring all the necessary documents and can lookup google maps when you are not familiar with the road. In case you do not know the way, you can hire a taxi or motorbike taxi to easily reach this church. The best way to see this place is book DMZ Tour from Hue from Vietnam Shore Excursions with private services.

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